

Conditional Operator Notes - C Language

Conditional Operator Notes - C Language

Conditional operator is a special operator which is also called  ternary operator. It performs testing and result of testing, in one line.
General form of using it is as follows:

Conditional Expression ? Exp1 : Exp 2 ;

Here, at first. conditional expression is evaluated. If the condition is true Exp 1 is evaluated otherwise Exp 2 is evaluated.

The working of Conditional Operator is similar to If-Else.

 For Example:

r = (a > b) ? a : b ;

Above expression can also be solved with the help of If- Else in following way:

if(a > b) 


        r = a;




        r = b;


Conditional Operator Flowchart :

Let us understand Conditional operator with an example program

/* A program to show the working of Conditional Operator */

int main()
    int r,a,b;
    printf("Enter two no.s \n");
    scanf("%d \t %d", &a,&b);
    r= (a>b)?a:b;
    printf ("%d is greater",r);
    return 0;

After Execution, following will be the output:

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